Vision and Mission Statements

We, the First Religious Society, Unitarian Universalist, aspire to be a welcoming and inclusive community that encourages spiritual growth as we strive for truth and meaning and serve the social and spiritual needs of our larger community.

Our open doors represent the open minds, open hearts and hopeful religious community that welcome you no matter who you are, where you come from, or what you believe. We provide opportunities for spiritual growth, inspiration through the arts, liberal discourse, and mutual understanding.
Our meetinghouse, a sanctuary to generations, is a symbol of our aspirations. We come together in friendship and sharing, as people of all ages manifesting conscience, character and compassion in our engagement with each other through life's joys and sorrows. We are a community that empowers our youth and integrates them within all aspects of congregational life. The open spirit we share, guided by our Unitarian Universalist Principles, is reflected in our worship, our educational programs, and all our other activities and endeavors. As stewards of our buildings and grounds we guide their development to accommodate the evolving needs of the congregation and community.
Our steeple serves as a beacon to those seeking free expression and spiritual growth through self-determination. As citizens of the world, we raise a strong voice in the quest for reason, compassion and justice, and courageously participate in and foster social service and political action. As stewards of the earth and all living things, we commit to greater environmental engagement.
Our community is sustained by commitment of our time, talent and resources.