Friday, March 9, 2012

Revised Documents for Congregational Meeting, April 1, 2012

The Governance Committee held two congregational meetings, one in February and one in March, to discuss the proposed changes to the bylaws with the membership.  They also held a meeting with the Leadership Council, which consists of the heads of all the standing committees of the church.  After much discussion and feedback, the Governance Committee made a few changes to the proposed bylaws.  Most of the changes were grammatical or did not significantly change the original proposal.  We very much appreciate the efforts of all of you who took time to read and understand our intentions.

On the menu bar to the right of this posting you'll see a list of pages.  Click on the Proposed Bylaws page to see the document that the congregation will be voting on April 1, 2012. Underneath that is the Current Bylaws page, and underneath that is a comparison chart of the old and new which enables you to see where changes have been made and why.

We look forward to seeing you on April 1, 2012, directly after the service at our congregational meeting to help us approve these changes with your vote.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Documents Are Now Ready to be Reviewed!

Please note the additional pages that have been added to this site, on the right side of this page.  Click on the title of the page in order to open it.  For the after-church meetings on February 19 and March 4 the Comparison Chart of Current and Proposed Bylaws will be useful.  Thank you for your attention.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

FRS Constitution and Bylaws

It's been a year since the FRS Parish Committee formed a task force called the Governance Committee, charged with assisting the Parish Committee in creating the structure needed to best fulfill the mission and vision of the Society.

During this last year the task force has focused its attention on the Constitution and Bylaws, ensuring that this ever evolving, growing congregation has the tools to effectively govern through this most important document.  The committee has a final draft of the proposed new bylaws and with the Parish Committee's approval will present them to the congregation for discussion and then a vote.

Two meetings will be held, the first on February 19 directly after church in the sanctuary, the second on March 4 also directly after church.  During these meetings the members of the task force will answer questions, give rationale for suggested changes and will address any comments or concerns. Your feedback will give thecommittee an opportunity to make other changes, or to tweak the proposed changes.

The meetings will prepare the congregation for a vote to be taken at a congregational meeting that will be held on Sunday, April 1, directly after church.  This vote will be for approval of the proposed bylaws.

Your opinion, concerns, and questions matter. Please plan to attend one of these meetings.  To help you prepare for this meeting go to the right side of this page to download the document which lays the current and proposed versions of the Constitution and Bylaws next to each other, and gives a rationale for the changes made. The document is called "Comparison Chart of Current and Proposed Bylaws". We invite your comments.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at one or all of our upcoming meetings.

Annie Madden, chair of Governance Committee; Jeff Bard, chair of Parish Committee; and the following members of the Governance Committee: Marie Murphy, Ned McClung, Nathan Wilbur, Harold Babcock, and John Mercer